E D U C A T I O N                 
2008 Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, PA   MFA Printmaking

2005 University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA   BFA Printmaking and Drawing                                                  

E X H I B I T I O N S 
GROUP SHOW” 222gallery with otto design group, Philadelphia, PA
“New Prints 2007/08: A Benefit Exhibition and Silent Auction” IPCNY, New York, NY
New Prints 2008/Autumn” International Print Center New York (IPCNY), New York, NY
“The Green Exhibit” Art In City Hall, Philadelphia, PA
“Tyler School of Art 1988 - 2008: 20 Years Fast Forward” Cheltenham Center for the Arts, Philadelphia, PA
“New Prints 2008/Spring” New York School of Interior Design with IPCNY, New York, NY Juror: Jane Hammond
“You Are Here” Temple Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
“National Print Competition” Janet Turner Print Museum, Chico, CA
“Irving Sandler Selects” Prince Street Gallery, New York, NY
“Salt City Dozen” Portfolio Exchange, Syracuse University Gallery, Syracuse, NY

“AMPsterdam” Fantasio, Amsterdam, Netherlands Jurors: Terri Anderson, AMP Executive Director, and Paul van Dijk
“In the Mix” Visions Gallery Group Exhibition, Lafayette, LA
“Tyler School of Art: Works on Paper” University of Lincoln Group Exhibition, Lincoln, UK
“Sense of Place” Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art, Augusta, GA Juror: Gail Enns
“American Print” Foothills Art Center, Golden, CO Juror: Bill Goldston
“Selections: works by 1st year MFA students” Tyler Gallery, Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, PA Juror: Lorie Mertes

“Lauren Abshire: Prints” ArtWalk Solo Exhibition, Lafayette, LA
“Recent Work” Studio One2One Solo Exhibition, Lafayette, LA                 

“Archaeology and Mythology” University Art Museum BFA Thesis Exhibition, Lafayette, LA
LOUSYAnna” Print Portfolio, Louisiana Printmakers Exchange
Studio Show” LAD Plaza Group Exhibition, Lafayette, LA                                         
Portfolio exchange, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
Portfolio exchange, University of Tasmania, Tasmania, Australia             
H O N O R S   A N D   A W A R D S
Honorable Mention, “Sense of Place” Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art Augusta, GA
Teaching and Technical Assistantship Fall Semester, Tyler School of Art
Teaching and Technical Assistantship Spring Semester, Tyler School of Art

P R O F E S S I O N A L   A C T I V I T I E S                 
Southern Graphics Council, Member
College Art Association, Member
The Print Center, Member
Philagrafika, Member

Co-curated “Lincoln University Student Exhibition” Tyler School of Art Philadelphia, PA
Southern Graphics Council, Member

Please contact me for a full CV.
